Northeast Region
Find an MRI Provider
Some hospitals or clinics have multiple locations for abbreviated breast MRI. Be sure you are clicking on the one that best suits your needs.
We strive to keep these listings as updated as possible, but be sure to confirm details with your individual provider when you are making your appointment. If you discover that our information is out of date, please contact us.
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Some clinics have multiple locations - check the address for the provider nearest you.
You can also click on the link to go directly to that provider's site for more information.
Insurance Note:
Some states DO require supplemental insurance coverage for AB-MRI. Check with your carrier. If you can get insurance to pay for it, GREAT! Work with your doctor to make sure codes are entered correctly for billing - insurance companies often deny things on purely clerical grounds.
There are multiple CPT codes for Breast MRI - they should be using 77049-52.
States in this region with supplemental coverage: Connecticut, DC, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont
Check your state's status here.
Providers in this region with notable AB-MRI Research. Click the link to read more about their work.
Memorial Sloan Kettering (New York)
University Hospital (Ohio)
Penn Medicine (Pennsylvania)
UPMC - University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (Pennsylvania)